educator burnout isn't a personal self-care fail.

This 7-minute video will teach you the 3 most powerful mindset shifts you need to “Co-thrive” with your students…and listen to the end for a FREE gift! 

Download your free E-BOOK
"ABcs of burnout prevention and co-thriving with students"

Thrive Hive EF

Training and Support for Educators

Ever sign up for a course and never find time to watch it?  We know how to turn 15-minutes of your precious time into a new skill to boost your students’s emotional intelligence and executive functioning skills with little to no additional extra planning.

Click below to shop our courses just for busy educators!

Do you want to professional development workshops with practical tools for supporting children and teens with executive functioning, coping skills, and navigating learning differences? Interested in reviving and energizing your teaching staff?

Click below to see our Workshop Guide!

Burnout is not a personal self-care fail! Burnout happens when you feel unsupported and not heard in a challenging job.

Get the community you crave to get fresh ideas, a renewed sense of purpose, and real-time burnout prevention strategies (not just Self-Care Sunday ideas) with The Thrive Hive!


are you crunched for time but want to help stressed out students get back to learning?

Sign up now for Dr. Rebecca Branstetter’s course:  How to Teach Coping Skills to Stressed Out Students and learn simple, proven strategies for helping students manage their emotions and behaviors!

This course offers proactive techniques to teach kids with challenges with acting out and shutting down. Get your students self-regulated with little to no prep or stress of finding that illusive “extra time” in your packed schedule!