Short on time but your students’ social emotional and behavioral needs are high? Looking for a way to support students with anxiety and depression? 

Learn Practical Tools to Teach Coping Skills to stressed out just a few minutes a day.

  • Are you an educator, school psychologist or mental health professional who wants easy-to-use toolkit for teaching vital coping skills like growth mindset, managing anxiety, and emotional intelligence?
  • Are you tired of searching for resources to teach coping skills in a fun way and wish you had an all-in-one system instead of cobbling together resources from all over the place?
  • Do you feel crunched for time and need research-based, short, and easy-to-use toolkit of activities you could do with kids and teens TODAY?

Whether you’re a teacher, therapist, or school-based mental health professional, you no longer have to search down a “Google rabbit hole” for practical ways to boost kids’ coping skills!


By the end of this online course, you will have...



You’ll go from having a generic idea about how to foster coping to understanding 10 specific coping skills (and in plain language you and kids can understand!)



You’ll be able to pinpoint which of the 10 coping skills need to be targeted, AND know exactly how to start teaching them.



You’ll have a Coping Skills “Playbook” full of ready-to-use printable tools for each of the 10 skill areas that you can use again and again!



Kids and teens learn more when activities are actually fun! These tools have been tried-and-tested with real live kiddos and only the fun ones made the cut!
*includes a bonus coloring book!

What You'll Get in Each Video Module...

Each video module is about 20 minutes long…enough to enjoy over a cup of coffee! Each video features a kid-friendly definition of the coping skill, research on how to build the skill, and a fun and practical tool you can download to teach the child the skill.

What you will learn...


Orientation on how to make the most out of the course.

The "3 C's Playbook" to Coach Students' Coping Skills

You’ll learn three critical mindset shifts about executive functioning that will help you teach and support skills more effectively.


Managing Anxiety

You’ll learn how to help kids who show worries about school, tests, and the future.



Ever wonder why some kids seem to be internally motivated? In this mini-lesson, you’ll learn how to cultivate student motivation and engagement.


Changing Negative Mindsets

Want to learn how to help students who get stuck in negativity and hopelessness reboot? Need some fresh ideas for boosting positive outlooks? This mini-lesson teaches you how!


Strengthening Emotional Intelligence

Some kids really struggle with understanding, expressing, and managing their feelings. This mini-lesson gives you strategies to help kids develop their emotional vocabulary with a super practical tool!


Building Growth Mindset

This module helps you teach kids to think differently about their challenges so they don’t give up or become discouraged by their mistakes.


Improving Self-Advocacy

This module helps you teach students how to ask for help, even if they are hesitant or aren’t sure what to ask for. Includes a fun activity to “rebrand” weaknesses into strengths, so students can feel safe asking for what they need.


Fostering Self-Compassion

Some kids are really hard on themselves and can have a strong “inner critic” that blocks them from enjoying school. This module gives a super practical way for students to understand the power of self-kindness.


Managing Frustration

Want to build kids’ listening skills? This module teaches you an easy way to get kids attention and help them remember key information.


Enhancing Persistence

Want to build an engaged learner who can stick with tasks they don’t like or find too hard? Get the ultimate tool for building tenacity that works for every assignment!


Building Resilience

Want a practical way to teach kids how to bounce back from challenges small and large? This module teaches you how!

Want a "done for you" toolkit to track student progress toward their coping skills goals too?

Do you want to track student progress toward Executive Functioning goals?

Want to see if your Executive Functioning intervention is working?

If you are tasked with creating and tracking progress toward IEP, counseling, or treatment goals, this new bonus toolkit is for you!

  • 10 Sample Executive Functioning Goals that map onto each of the 10 Executive Functioning skills in the course!
  • Multiple options for Progress Monitoring to track individual student progress toward their Executive Functioning goals!
  • Share data with parents, Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) teams, and other key stakeholders in student progress!

Meet Dr. Rebecca, Your Guide (and Cheerleader in Chief)...

I have a confession.

I’m not a huge sports fan. I never played organized sports. I never know when my local sports team is on, even if they are one game away from winning it all.

And I definitely have asked embarrassing questions of my sports fan friends like, “What happens when the runner gets to 4th base?” at a baseball game, and “What inning is this?” while watching hockey.

But I was a cheerleader.

And real talk? I kind of still am…

As a school psychologist, author, and speaker, I’m a cheerleader for students who are going through tough times .

I’m also a coach to the adults who want to help our increasingly stressed out students.

When students have coping skills, they are better equipped to experience success, enjoy school and become independent life-long learners.

I’ve worked with hundreds of students, teachers, parents, and fellow school psychologists to create this research-based “playbook” for boosting coping skills that foster resilience.

I’m a big fan of turning research into reality and making it FUN.

Play is the language of the child, but no matter how old we are, when learning coping skills is fun, we learn more.

So let’s have some fun! I can’t wait to mess up sports metaphors and coach you on how to up your teaching coping skills game.

Game on…

The How to Teach Coping Skills to Stressed out Students Course has all the tools, resources, and guidance you need to help you create an intentional plan for boosting coping skills.

If you want to take information about coping skills and turn it into transformation with children and teens, this course gives you the tools you need.

It’s not a sit-n-get presentation of the research on coping. It’s actual tools you can download and use TODAY with students.

It’s do-able in 10-minute chunks of time.

It’s convenient and on-demand. There’s a whole year’s access, so you can watch or re-watch whenever you want.

You don’t have to have any experience with teaching coping skills. The tools are easy (and fun!) to use with kids and teens.

For printed facilitator manuals, additional student workbooks, and preferred pricing for your classroom, building, or district email

Here’s what group licensing could look like in your school:

  • Tier 1 Universal support for students to build out their academic, social, and behavioral self-regulation skills as a part of your MTSS, RTI, and SEL initiatives.
  • Tier 2 Grade-level team support to enhance self-regulation and independent learning skills in a particular grade (curriculum tools adaptable for all grades K-12)
  • Tier 2 Small group support for kids who struggle with emotional and behavioral self-control.
  • Tier 3 Individual support for students who have IEP or counseling goals on executive functioning skills like work completion, time on task, or using tools for self-regulation.

See you in the course! I can’t wait to have you on Team Coping Skills with me!

If you have any questions, or need help signing up feel free to send me an email directly at



Rebecca Branstetter, Ph.D.

School Psychologist, Licensed Educational Psychologist, and California Licensed Psychologist #22654


The course and toolkit are designed for K-12 students. Each executive functioning skill has a tool specifically designed for elementary aged students and another tailored for secondary aged students.

All the modules are all “on demand,” which means you can watch at any time. The course is self-paced and since you have a full year’s access, you can revisit modules (videos). Each module is purposefully divided into 20 minute segments so that you can access them during the school day or a quiet morning with a cuppa coffee on the weekend (PD in PJs….I’m all for it!)  

Each module is about 15-20 minutes. All in all, the entire course has about 2.5 hours of video total. But it does not need to be consumed all at once! It can be consumed “a la carte.” Have a student who needs time management help? Watch the 20 minute time management module. Do you need to work with a teen on organization skills for their IEP or in counseling? Watch the 15 minute module on organization. It’s self-paced and flexible!

Parents are welcome to take the course! The toolkit and printables are useful at home as well, particularly if you are homeschooling or managing meltdowns and shutdowns around homework or school stress.

No! This course is designed for educators as well as mental health providers to teach social-emotional and coping skills. While Dr. Branstetter is a licensed psychologist, this coaching program is not intended to be used to treat psychiatric diagnoses. See full disclaimer here.

At this time, the course is eligible for self-study units. At the end of the course, you can submit a request for a Certificate of Completion for 3 hours of Self-Study units. Contact your local CEU agency to see if the course completion certificate is sufficient for documentation of ongoing PD.

Due to the digital and downloadable format of this course, returns are not permitted once the course has been accessed in any manner. Courses may not be transferred to other participants without purchasing a new license.

All of the strategies and activities in the program have a strong scientific basis for their use, and are grounded in cognitive-behavioral, mindfulness/positive psychology, and cognitive psychology. If you need to show efficacy of use at your school, your team can track the efficacy of individual IEP/counseling goals individually or as a group using the bonus Progress Monitoring Toolkit.

Yes! Email for details!

Yes! We offer group licenses so multiple staff members can each have their own login and materials. The curriculum works well for Tier 1 (classroom/school wide lessons) and Tier 2 and 3 (individual, smaller group) school-based interventions.

Hit the chat button to connect with Dr. Branstetter, or schedule a quick 15-minute call using our online calendar here to learn more about how EF coaching can help students at your school or agency.

Discounts for group licenses are available! Email for Group Rates!

Choose one masterclass or get a full bundle of support for you and your team!

Buy The Masterclass

One year access to:

• How to Teach Coping Skills Masterclass

Buy The Thriving Educator Bundle

One Year Access to:

• Reverse Burnout Masterclass

• How to Teach Exeuctive Functioning Masterclass

• How to Teach Coping Skills Masterclass,

• 250+ Thrive Hive TV Network Microcourses

• 100+ Printable Tools and Lesson Plans

• Online Professional Learning Community

• Quarterly Mastermind Zoom Trainings with Dr. Rebecca Branstetter on Neurodiversity and Burnout Prevention

Buy The Thriving School Psychologist Bundle

  • One Year Access to:

  • • Reverse Burnout Masterclass
  • • How to Teach Executive Functioning Masterclass
  • • How to Teach Coping Skills Masterclass
  • • 250+ Thrive Hive TV Network Microcourses
  • • 100+ Printable Tools and Lesson Plans
  • • Online Professional Learning Community
  • • Monthly Mastermind Zoom Trainings with Dr.
  • Rebecca Branstetter on Neurodivesity and
  • Burnout Prevention
  • • 10 NASP- Approved CPD Credits
  • • Thriving School Psychologist Masterclass
  • • LilyAssist Psychoeducational Report Writer

Group & District Licenses
Contact Us

  • We offer customized solutions for your school, district or organiazation, including:
  • • Group Licences for our Professional Development Platform for Educators, School Psychologists, and Parents
  • • Live Professional Development
  • • Custom templates for special education reports
  • • Dedicated Portal with Single Sign On
  • • Dedicated Adminstrator Dashboard
  • • And more!