MUSt watch
see our founder advocate for mental health and learning supports in schools!
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Getting fancy with our new Micro-PD platform....AND a new AI-generated song/TikTok music video my daughter reviewed as, "PLEASE keep in drafts.
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This month's Thrive Archive shares what happens when a dentist accidentally shows up to an AI and burnout prevention workshop for educators! 😳 Plus...a random buffet of resources for helping teens boost executive functioning and manage screen time, mindfulness tools, and an embarrassing TikTok of me singing to an inanimate object.
- For School Psychologists, For Teachers, News
There's free virtual swag in this month's Thrive Archive! 🎉 While I don't have quite the following as Taylor, I am also "on tour" with Thriving Students Collective to share my "greatest hits" for K12 educators! There MAY also be footage of me dancing in this edition, so check it out. 💃🏼
- For School Psychologists, For Teachers, News
This month's Thrive Archive newsletter will shower you with burnout prevention goodies you will LOVE to share with others! 🧡 Plus...a special PSA for educators about the dangers of "self-care" burnout prevention. 🧡
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New Year's resolutions vs. "You.0" upgrades with micro-habits. What actually works to beat burnout in in K12 education?
- For School Psychologists, For Teachers, News
🗞️Thrive Archive Vol 3 is here! And it's all about the latest AI trends in K-12 education (Plus a hilarious look at what AI thinks school psychologists do!)