Nearly half of all educators have considered leaving the profession. Burnout and lack of support are cited as the main reasons.

Click on the video to learn how to uplift and empower teachers and school-based mental health workers…

without piling more on their to-do lists.

reversing educator burnout starts here.

  • In this on-demand video course, Dr. Rebecca Branstetter, school psychologist and founder of The Thriving Students Collective, will teach educators the top 10 research-based burnout prevention strategies...and how to turn that research into REALITY at school.

  • Using classroom-based examples, Angela Watson, National Board Certified Teacher and founder of, will show you how to apply each burnout prevention strategy to your own teaching situation so you can start thriving (and helping your students thrive) right away!

  • 10 guest experts will provide cutting edge practical strategies in short bonus videos! These thought leaders share the diversity of ways that educators can reverse burnout and get back on track to the career of their dreams. 

what educators will learn:

"Research To Reality Roadmap"

Educators will learn 10 science backed principles and “habit hacks” to turn information about burnout prevention into transformation in their daily lives (and avoid burnout “detours”!)

Each participant gets their own Thriving Roadmap Journal to complete as a companion to the videos so they can personalize their action steps

Module 1: Boost Positive Energy

Filling Your Tank

Educators will learn how to tap into their core strengths and protect their positive energy…even when experiencing daily stressors.

Includes a bonus video from Dr. Byron McClure, founder of the Black School Psychologist Network on how to find individual and community strengths in your network. 

module 2: cultivate work-life balance

Check Your Alignment

Just like balanced tires helps cars go longer and prevent breakdowns, having work-life balance helps you sustain your energy and feel less worn out! 

Educators will learn how to recognize when their internal “check engine” light is on so they can take proactive steps to reboot their energy. 

Module 3: Build a Support Network

Choose Your Passengers Wisely

Want to learn how the magic number of 2 can protect your educators from burnout?   This mini-lesson teaches you how!

Includes a bonus video from Jennifer Gonzales, founder of Cult of Pedagogy, on  the #1 way to protect yourself from burnout (and toxic energy!)

Module 4: Find Mindful Moments

Mindfulness, Next Exit

So many educators struggle to find time for rebooting their mood and energy in the day. This mini-lesson gives educators practical strategies to identify times of day when they can take “adult recess” and reboot.

Includes a bonus video from Nicole Thompson, Ed.S., founder of GOAT Educators on Trauma Informed Mindfulness.

Module 5: reduce frustration

Getting out of the bureaucracy traffic jam

This module helps educators think differently about their challenges so they move from overworked to empowered to make positive changes, even within challenging bureaucracy.

(A special bonus video from Zaretta Hammond, author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, on self-care as a tool for reducing implicit bias. 

module 6: Protect your downtime

Don't skip the rest stop

This module helps educators discover “productive rest” to boost creativity and problem-solving and reduce stress.

Educators will learn how to build brain breaks in the day (with their students and themselves!)

Includes bonus video from Meena Srinivasan, Founding Executive Director of Transformative Educational Leadership (TEL), on the “Sacred Pause” and the power of the “Secular Sabbath.”

Module 7: cultivate healthy boundaries

Stay in your lane

When you’re in the helping profession, it’s hard to know how to say “no” to tasks that fall outside of your scope of work. Educators will learn 3 ways to cultivate healthy work/life boundaries.

Includes a bonus video from Dan Triccarico, founder of The Zen Teacher with 10 ways to cultivate healthy boundaries at school and home.

Module 8: reduce daily stress

Self Compassion "Brakes"

This module helps educators learn why self-care after work is not enough to prevent educator burnout…and what they can do in just minutes a day while on-the-job, where the stress is actually happening.

Includes a bonus video from Kathy Flaminio, founder of MoveMindfully on how to build self-compassion movement in your day (for you and your students!) 

Module 9: reboot your passion

The Scenic Route of Gratitude

Want to reboot energy and positivity in just minutes a day? These gratitude tools can literally change your brain to scan for the positive and protect you from stress (even in hard times!).

With a special bonus video from Dr. Amy Eva, associate education director at the Greater Good Science Center on how to make gratitude a habit. 

module 10: cultivate the thrive ratio

Arriving in "Thrive Town"

Want the ultimate burnout prevention tool? This module teaches the #1 way to stay engaged and motivated as an educator.

Includes bonus video from Dr. Niki Elliott, Founder of the Mindful Leaders Project with 3 keys for continuing your thriving journey! 

plus...get these bonus take home Souvenirs!

Each participant gets 10 bonus downloadable posters for their classroom or office to share their “take-home” messages from their Thriving Journey with their students! 

meet Your instructors (and Co-Passengers)

Angela Watson,
Founder of Truth for Teachers

Angela Watson has a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, 11 years of classroom experience, and over a decade of experience as an instructional coach. Angela has been supporting teachers online through her website since 2003. Her podcast by the same name has over 8 million downloads. 

Her signature course, The 40 Hour Teacher Workweek, has helped more than 50,000 teachers maximize their contractual hours so they can do a great job for kids without burning out. She also offers a version of 40 Hour to instructional coaches and school leaders.

Angela’s mission is to help educators live a more purposeful and conscious life.  She splits her time between Brooklyn, NY and the mountains of Pennsylvania.

Rebecca Branstetter, Ph.D.,
Founder of Thriving Students Collective

Dr. Rebecca Branstetter is a licensed psychologist, credentialed school psychologist, and sought after speaker, appearing in media outlets such as CBS, Greater Good Science Center, the Washington Post, and NPR.  

Her mission is to bring educator and mental health professionals’ wellbeing to the forefront of our school initiatives as powerful intervention to support student learning and mental health. 

Her signature course and community, The Thriving School Psychologist Collective, has helped over 1000 school psychologists reduce stress, improve time management, and expand their roles beyond testing. 

She believes that when we thrive, our students thrive! She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and (not so) secretly loves bell bottoms. 

We built this course with busy educators in mind.

modules are broken into 5-10 minute video segments

Each of the modules takes only 20-30 minutes to complete.

With a full year access, the entire course can be completed with as little as 30 minutes a month.

educators apply what they hear in real time (no extra work!)

With the "Research to Reality Roadmap" PDF as a guide, educators start integrating strategies into daily life and the classroom right away.

Educators can take notes in their personalized Roadmaps while they listen to the videos, so there's no extra work being piled on to your already busy staff!

educators can watch on their own time or together in a professional learning community

This self-paced course can be viewed by educators any time on desktop or in the app, during professional development days, or in professional learning communities.

Get the masterclass or our full bundle of support for you and your team!

Buy The Masterclass

One year access to:

• Reverse Burnout Masterclass

Buy The Thriving Educator Bundle

One Year Access to:

• Reverse Burnout Masterclass

• How to Teach Exeuctive Functioning Masterclass

• How to Teach Coping Skills Masterclass,

• 250+ Thrive Hive TV Network Microcourses

• 100+ Printable Tools and Lesson Plans

• Online Professional Learning Community

• Quarterly Mastermind Zoom Trainings with Dr. Rebecca Branstetter on Neurodiversity and Burnout Prevention

Buy The Thriving School Psychologist Bundle

  • One Year Access to:
  • • Reverse Burnout Masterclass
  • • How to Teach Executive Functioning Masterclass
  • • How to Teach Coping Skills Masterclass
  • • 250+ Thrive Hive TV Network Microcourses
  • • 100+ Printable Tools and Lesson Plans
  • • Online Professional Learning Community
  • • Monthly Mastermind Zoom Trainings with Dr.
  • Rebecca Branstetter on Neurodivesity and
  • Burnout Prevention
  • • 10 NASP- Approved CPD Credits
  • • Thriving School Psychologist Masterclass
  • • LilyAssist Psychoeducational Report Writer

Group & District Licenses
Contact Us

  • We offer customized solutions for your school, district or organiazation, including:
  • • Group Licences for our Professional Development Platform for Educators, School Psychologists, and Parents
  • • Live Professional Development
  • • Custom templates for special education reports
  • • Dedicated Portal with Single Sign On
  • • Dedicated Adminstrator Dashboard
  • • And more!

Retain and energize your educators today.

Teachers ~ Special Education Teams ~ School Based Mental Health Teams ~  Learning Specialists ~ Paraprofessionals

How long is the course? Can I get CEUs?

Each module is between 20-25 minutes long, including the guest expert videos.

There are 10 modules, so all in all, the course is 3 clock hours long.  

You will have up to a full year to watch all of the videos, so it’s totally doable with just 30 minutes a month!

Participants are eligible to receive a certificate of completion for a total of 3 self study hours once they complete the course and the evaluation survey. 

Due to the variable CEU requirements across states, we offer self-study CEUs via a Certificate of Completion at this time. 

How long do I get access?

You get access for one full year. Why not lifetime? Over the past few years, we’ve been taking data on course completion rates (school psychs love their data!).  When we give lifetime access, the completion rates are much lower than when there is a time limit. We want educators to not only invest in the course, but to firmly step into the path of investing the time to actually use it! Especially for folks who are experiencing burnout, it’s very easy to file watching the videos under “I’ll do it later when I have time.”

If the content is something you will want to revisit year after year, there will be an option to renew.

How much overlap is there between Angela’s 40 Hour Teacher Workweek and Reverse Educator Burnout?

Some of what Angela shares in her videos reflects the mindset shifts behind 40 Hour, but the focus of her teaching in this course is preventing educator burnout. You will find very little overlap between the 40 Hour program and Reverse Educator Burnout. You’ll also be learning from Rebecca and our 10 guest experts so we’re confident you’ll hear lots of new-to-you-strategies.

How much overlap is there between Rebecca’s Thriving School Psychologist (TSP) Collective and Reverse Educator Burnout?

The TSP Collective highlights 4 Pillars of Thriving, one of which is knowing the “Science of Burnout.” While some of what Rebecca shares in her videos reflects the mindset shifts and habit hacks in the TSP, the focus of in Reverse Educator Burnout is a much deeper dive into Pillar 4. You’ll also be learning from Angela and our 10 guest experts so we’re confident you’ll hear lots of new-to-you-strategies.

Is this course allowed to be purchased once and used for a group of teachers? Or does each teachers need to purchase if we will be viewing as a group?

Each participant will need their own license and individual email to log into the course, get their individual “Roadmap” journals, and receive certificates of completion.

With an individual license, participants have the convenience of accessing their own accounts from multiple locations to watch at their leisure and track their personal course progress. In the learning portal, the IP addresses are remembered so that users can pick up wherever they left off the last time they logged in, and obtain individual certificates of completion. 

To have the community feel, we have had districts purchase multiple licenses and then show the videos at staff trainings or PLCs and then teachers discuss the materials together (which is where a lot of the learning really comes to life!). 


Is this course just for classroom teachers?

No! This course is designed to support any educator — classroom teachers, school psychologists, coaches, special educators, and paraprofessionals.

If you work in a school and want support to THRIVE, this course is for you. 

I have more questions about group licenses! Can I talk to someone?

We’d love to help! Click on the chat icon on the page or email for more information! 

How would it work to use this with a group of educators?

Each teacher will receive their own individual log in to watch the videos on their own, from any device. Their progress is tracked, and they can earn certificates of completion.

However, each of the individual videos in the course are only 5-10 minutes long, so they can also be embedded in existing staff meetings as a “warm up” activity.

Time can also be allotted to watch chosen modules on existing PD days or in grade level meetings, and processed as a group.