Our Blog:
The “Buzz" from Thriving Students Collective

This month's Thrive Archive shares what happens when a dentist accidentally shows up to an AI and burnout prevention workshop for educators! 😳 Plus...a random buffet of resources for helping teens boost executive functioning and manage screen time, mindfulness tools, and an embarrassing TikTok of me singing to an inanimate object.

MUSt watch

see our founder advocate for mental health and learning supports in schools!

How to Support Students with Pandemic Learning Loss
Why We Need More School Psychologists and Counselors
The Importance of Mental Health Providers in Schools

Most Recent

Our founder offers advice for parents while raising children during high stress times.
On #blackouttuesday, I went silent on social media and posted a black square on all my channels. I wanted to amplify Black voices and show solidarity. I listened. I learned. And I reflected on my role in anti-racism as a mom, a school psychologist, and an online voice for school psychologists. A few days later, my town had a Black Lives Matter protest and I was inspired by the turnout and strong voices for change.
I get quite a few emails from prospective school psychologists, asking me what the career is really like. Perhaps they’ve read a review of our illustrious profession on a job site and got scared off – kind of like when you read one bad Yelp review of a place and write it off. Maybe they’ve heard it’s a job that is all testing, or just that it’s really stressful.

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