Every Educator is a Special Educator.
Our platform helps schools beat burnout and have the tools to help all students thrive.
Our evidence-based platform empowers educators and families with practical tools to prevent burnout and provide 360° support for complex learners and children with mental health needs.
When We Thrive,
Our Students Thrive™
Get the support you need to help your unique learners thrive.
Beat Burnout
End the cycle of stress and burnout with on-demand learning to improve mental health & productivity.
Level-Up Skills
Find Your Peeps
Learn How Thriving Students Can Help Your District, School, Classroom, or Home.
Online Courses
Level up your student support skills and protect yourself from burnout at the same time.
Workshops & PD
Inspire your group with practical and interactive professional development (no sit n’ get Zooms here!).
ThriveHive TV
Get “Buzzworthy” tips for supporting kids with learning, emotional, and executive functioning challenges.
Tangible Tools
Create a supportive learning environment with workbooks, posters, swag, and more!
Our Customers Get Results
Highly recommend the Executive Functioning masterclass! This was such a stress free course. I loved how everything was broken down into specific modules, and I really appreciated being able to log on to access this course when I had time. The modules were short, sweet, and to the point, and the tools were so practical. This was a great course!
Meghan B.
Occupational Therapist
Thank you so much for your workshop…the rave reviews are flying in!! This was really what everyone was needing. This was probably the most beneficial workshop I’ve done in my 30 year career. Looking forward to diving into all the resources and putting my plan into action. Haven’t felt this professional excitement in awhile!.
New Hampshire Association of School Psychologists
I loved this presentation so much! I watched in on a day that I was openly crying at my desk from stress. Having research proven strategies to do something about my stress level has helped so much in only a few days. Thank you for knowing deeply how overwhelming this job an be and reaching out to throw a lifeline to your colleagues.
Kristin H.
School Psychologist
Shortages Shouldn't
Short-Change Students
Let’s build your school’s capacity to help kids thrive TODAY.
50% of educators leave in their first 5 years. It costs $30K to replace 1 educator.
# of mental health & special educator vacancies. Students are left without support.
# of students for every 1 school psychologist. The current recommendation is 500.
75% of parents are unhappy with their school’s support