Small Habits Create Big Changes: Strategies to Avoid Burnout and Thrive in Your Education Career
Small Habits Create Big Change is a valuable collection of micro-habits―small, science-backed adjustments―that educators can use to reclaim their mental health and their love for their jobs. This book helps you identify your unique personality type, so you can find the hacks and tweaks that will actually work as you strive to manage stress and reignite your passion for working with students. Many educators feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and on the verge of burnout, but it’s never too late to turn things around. Best of all, psychologist Rebecca Branstetter gives you solutions that you can use while you work, so you don’t have to sacrifice your already-scarce downtime.
This unique book accounts for what makes you who you are, giving you options, ideas, and proven strategies that set you up for success. This way, you can manage stress, battle burnout, and get excited about your career once again.
- Identify your strengths and weaknesses using the exclusive Thrive-o-gram personality indicator
- Learn micro-habits that turn research about burnout prevention into transformation in your daily life
- Understand how to tap into your core strengths and protect your positive energy
- Personalize your action steps with a Thriving Roadmap
Use for a book club or as a companion text to your How to Reverse Educator Burnout Masterclass!
The Thriving School Psychologist
-Do you want to spend more time with students, rather than with their paperwork?
-Are you interested in expanding your role beyond testing to do passion projects?
-Do you want to cultivate a community of support with others who share your vision for student success?
-Do you want to hit the professional happiness “reset button” on your career so that you are energized to go to work each day?
In the Thriving School Psychologist, popular blogger and author Rebecca Branstetter reveals the four most common burnout traps for school psychologists … and how to avoid them. Don’t let your dreams of making a real difference in the lives of your students go unfulfilled. You don’t have to table your passion projects and interventions because you’re bogged down in bureaucracy. No matter if you’re a first year intern or a seasoned veteran, you will learn practical tools for transforming your career into the one you’ve always imagined. And you can start using these tools TODAY.
The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with Executive Functioning Disorder
The vital skills children need to achieve their full potential!
Being organized. Staying focused. Controlling impulses and emotions.
These are some of the basic executive functioning (EF) skills children need to function and succeed as they grow. But what can you do if your child is struggling with one or all of these skills? With this hands-on guide, you’ll learn what EF difficulties look like and how you can help your child overcome these challenges. Psychologist Rebecca Branstetter teaches you how to help improve the executive functions.
With checklists to help enforce skills and improve organization, The Everything Parent’s Guide to Children with Executive Functioning Disorder is your step-by-step handbook for helping your child concentrate, learn, and thrive!
The School Psychologist's Survival Guide
A practical and accessible guide for helping school psychologists meet their everyday challenges
In this newest addition to the Jossey-Bass “Survival Guide” series, popular blogger Rebecca Branstetter offers help for school psychologists who must often travel to multiple school sites, deal with students with severe disabilities, meet with concerned parents, and manage school crises. The book is filled with practical advice, proven strategies, and useful tools, complete with reproducible forms, letters, and checklists for busy professionals.
This vital resource offers a down-to-earth guide for both novice and seasoned school psychologists.
Eat the Frog and Thrive! (For Students)
A Planner and Journal for Students to Boost Executive Functioning and Wellbeing
Introducing the “Eat the Frog and Thrive” journal and planner – the perfect journal for students who could use a little extra support with executive functioning and motivation! With a focus on the “Eat the Frog” principle – tackling the most challenging tasks first thing- this journal and planner will help your student prioritize, start and finish tasks, and learn vital executive functioning skills.
This is a great companion workbook for educators to use with students alongside Dr. Branstetter’s masterclass for educators, “How to Teach Executive Functioning to Children and Teens.”
Bulk rates available! Email
Eat the Frog and Thrive! (For Adults)
A Planner and Journal for Adults to Boost Executive Functioning and Wellbeing
Kids aren’t the only ones who could use a tool to boost executive functioning, productivity, and wellbeing!
Designed with busy professionals in mind, this journal and planner is the perfect way to take control of your schedule and achieve your goals. With a focus on the “Eat the Frog” principle – tackling your most challenging tasks first thing in the morning – you’ll be able to start your day with purpose and intention, setting yourself up for success.
This is a great companion workbook for school psychologists to use alongside Dr. Branstetter’s Thriving School Psychologist course.
Bulk rates available! Email
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Raising Girls
The tools you need to foster a positive, supportive relationship with your daughter!
Raising a confident, self-assured girl in today’s world is complicated, but it can be done–with the help of The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Raising Girls.
Inside, you’ll find the strategies you need to help your daughter navigate through her world of school cliques, confusing media messages, and pressures to be a “good girl.” With smart, comprehensive advice on the trials and triumphs of raising a daughter with patience.
Rebecca Branstetter, PhD, and Erika V. Shearin Karres, EdD, provide you with the information and support you need for parenting with mindfulness, flexibility, and resilience. You’ll be able to create a calm and centered emotional environment for raising well-adjusted, confident girls.
The Conscious Parent's Guide to Executive Functioning Disorder
Help your child feel confident and capable!
If your child has been given a diagnosis of executive functioning disorder, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. You want your child to be able to master certain basic skills, such as being organized, staying focused, and controlling impulses and emotions. But what if your child is having trouble with one or all of these skills? With The Conscious Parent’s Guide to Executive Functioning Disorder, you’ll learn how to take a relationship-centered approach to parenting as you help improve your child’s executive functioning skills.
Conscious parenting is about being present with your children and taking the time to understand how to help them flourish. With the strategies and advice in this guide, you and your child will build sustainable bonds, develop positive behaviors, and improve executive functioning skills for life. And you’ll find that conscious parenting helps create a calm and mindful atmosphere for the whole family, while helping your child feel competent, successful, and healthy.
The Conscious Parent's Guide To ADHD
An integrative method for helping children focus and learn!
If your child has been given a diagnosis of ADHD, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. With The Conscious Parent’s Guide to ADHD, you will learn how to take a relationship-centered approach to parenting that engages your child and ensures that he succeeds behaviorally, socially, and cognitively. Conscious parenting is about being present with your child and taking the time to understand how to help him flourish. By practicing this mindful method, you can support your child emotionally and help nurture his development.
With this all-in-one guide, you can create a plan that not only addresses the challenges a child with ADHD faces, but also creates a mindful, less stressful atmosphere for the whole family.
When both you and your child are more mindful and relaxed, your child can learn to focus, gain independence, and thrive both in school and out.
The Teachable Moment
It begins with a connection. Like a spark when two wires touch, there comes that magical moment for a teacher and a student when an important connection is made. In The Teachable Moment, Rebecca Branstetter captures many wonderful instances when that magic occurs. Often it is with a student who for some reason was previously unreachable. Whether due to learning difficulties, social problems, or a host of other impediments, the inability of a student to understand a concept is a fundamental obstacle teachers work to overcome. The struggle to help students reach their full potential depends on a teacher’s ability to recognize and take full advantage of these short windows of opportunity. Veteran educator Branstetter shares her insights into the art of the “teachable moment” helping her colleagues in the field to capitalize on any and every advantage as it presents itself.
Impara a organizzarti! (Italian Edition)
Ogni bambino o adolescente ha dei punti forti e dei punti deboli. Ci sono bambini che si avvicinano alla lettura come gli anatroccoli si avvicinano all’acqua, o ragazzi che sono in grado di organizzarsi e autodisciplinarsi da soli. Per altri, invece, è molto più difficile terminare i compiti, mantenere l’attenzione, gestire il tempo in modo efficace o controllare le proprie emozioni. Per questo, vengono spesso etichettati come «pigri», «sbadati», «incostanti» o «distratti», mentre in realtà hanno problemi nelle cosiddette «funzioni esecutive», ovvero le abilità — necessarie per lo sviluppo di qualsiasi processo cognitivo — che servono a adattare i propri pensieri, sentimenti e comportamenti al fine di raggiungere un obiettivo.Questo libro nasce proprio per fornire ai genitori tutti le informazioni, le tecniche e gli strumenti necessari per motivare i propri figli a migliorare le seguenti funzioni:• Avvio e completamento di un’attività• Inibizione delle reazioni istintuali• Concentrazione• Gestione del tempo• Memoria di lavoro• Flessibilità• Autoregolazione• Autocontrollo emotivo• Organizzazione